Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Cloud Servers Or Dedicated Servers—What Is Right For Your Company?

A lot of website or application developers are faced with a difficult choice when it comes to hosting their creations on the internet. While dedicated servers were the way to go for quite a long time, the introduction of cloud servers has revolutionized the way people create and operate their websites. However, there are a few purists who will swear by the capabilities of the dedicated servers while people already hosting websites and applications on cloud servers tout it as the future of the internet. So, what is the difference? First, let’s see what both of these things are.           

Cloud Server

The best part about having cloud servers is that they are affordable and very easy to operate. Things like digital electronic data management system are effortless with cloud servers and many small businesses and startups prefer using them when they are starting off. The costs are so low because of the fact that the server does not exist physically. Therefore, you do not have to pay for its establishment costs. It is instead on a virtual platform provided by your cloud service provider and you can configure the performance and storage space according to your needs, paying for only what you use and nothing more.

Dedicated Servers

Dedicated servers are physical servers that are used by companies or individuals to provide for their commercial and digital needs. The biggest USP for dedicated servers is that they provide a high amount of security along with seamless record management systems and business process management. They are great for large businesses who are already established and demand all their servers running at all times. However, businesses using dedicated servers still need external help and expertise to manage the ongoing maintenance of the servers, which may overheat because of high pressure.

Here are a few points where cloud servers and dedicated servers differentiate.

Resources Online – When you use cloud servers, your resources can go online in minutes but with dedicated servers, they might take hours to get uploaded on the internet.

RAM Upgradation – You can upgrade both cloud servers and dedicated servers. However, the differences lie in how you can upgrade them. While it will take you just a few clicks to ensure your RAM or ROM is upgraded with almost unlimited capabilities because of the internet, the dedicated servers will take manual installation and a lot of time compared to cloud servers.

Cost Effective High Availability – You can do it in both these options. Nevertheless, this can be achieved very quickly with cloud servers. It takes only minutes to set up a high availability environment whereas you can request the same environment within a dedicated infrastructure. Another key difference here is that building this environment in the cloud can cost up to 60% less compared to dedicated servers.

Monday, 25 March 2019

The Future Of Business Is AI

Thanks to dystopian sci-fi movies, the first thing that comes to our mind after hearing the term artificial intelligence is super intelligent robots taking over the world or an undefeatable super power that has completely brainwashed humankind and is leading us on the path of destruction. This is what we have to say: these notions are completely unfounded.  

In the current scenario, with rapid AI development, this technology has been nothing short of a boon to the society. AI has seeped into every field, from education to data analysis to business and much more. If you are a business person and are looking for efficient solutions to business related problems, you might be interested in knowing more about artificial intelligence and the ways it can benefit your business.

1.Capitalizing On Customized Shopping Experience: With the advent of online shopping and the ease it brings to the customers, they are now looking for a shopping experience designed to suit their needs. An AI program will look into their shopping habits and provide each one of them with customized offers, thus giving you an edge over your rivals.

2.Real Time Assistance: The most important benefit AI can provide a firm which has to constantly communicate with a high number of customers is real time assistance. Travel agencies can now use artificial intelligence to give second to second detail about bus, train and flight timings, availability, delays, etc.

3.Data Mining: Handling of big data is not an easy task in any way, let alone treating the enormous amount of data to come to conclusive discoveries. With AI in your arsenal, you can analyze the data generated by your customers and derive insights which were previously undiscovered. This will keep you one step ahead in the marketplace.

4.Predicting Outcomes: This technology looks for current patterns in customer behavior by the means of analysis of data, and using these behavioral patterns predicts future outcomes. Not only for retail, it is very beneficial for the banking industry as well, as it can help the firms decide which shares to invest in.

5.Improves Recruitment Process: AI can make the recruitment process much faster and more efficient. It sifts through the job applications and automatically rejects the ones that do not meet the criteria. The ones which do make the cut are sent to senior management.

Artificial intelligence in Dubai (UAE), USA, China, UK and many other countries has started playing a major role in the economy. With the pace at which market forces change in the current market setting, businesses will have to incorporate artificial intelligence in the organization if they don’t want to be squeezed out of the market.